COVID-19 Safety Procedures

Midwest Classic Tattoo Reopening with COVID-19 Safety Procedures

Link to download this page: MCT Reopening Protocol (Download PDF) (Download RTF)

First and foremost, we hope that you and your family are in good health.

At Midwest Classic Tattoo, we miss you are excited for the opportunity to welcome you back and to be of service as we reopen.  

While many things around us have changed, we remain steadfast in our commitments to your safety, the safety of our staff, and that of our community. Cleanliness and infection control has always been a top priority at Midwest Classic Tattoo. In addition to our customary high standards, we’ve instituted new procedures to help reduce risk and keep everyone as safe as possible.  

These procedures require commitments from both our artists and clients:


  Scheduling: Please schedule consultations and tattoo appointments directly with your MCT artist.  Each artist maintains their own schedule and can be reached directly via their email address, which is listed on If you do not have a specific artist at this time, please contact Sid Frigo at to discuss your project and design options.  Our work is done by appointment only. We offer same-day appointments, however, we ask that you please contact us ahead of time via phone or email, we are happy to assist you.


  Screening:  We will conduct a CDC- and IDPH-recommended COVID-19 Screening one (1) week prior to your appointment and again twenty-four (24) hours prior to your appointment.  The screening questions are as follows:

  •   Do you feel sick?
  •   Do you have reason to believe that you, someone in your household, or someone with whom you are in close contact has been exposed to COVID-19?
  •   Have you or anyone in your household returned from travel abroad within the past fourteen (14) days?
  •   Do you currently have any of the following symptoms:  fever, cough, sore throat and/or shortness of breath?
  •   If you answer any of the above questions with a “yes,” please let us know immediately. We will gladly reschedule when you are well and can answer “no” to all of the above four screening questions.
  •    Artist Screening:  Our MCT artists will follow the same screening protocol as above, including daily body temperature reading.


  Day of Your Appointment:  

  •   Please come to your appointment alone.  We are unable to accommodate family, friends or support persons in our shop at this time.  We can call them when you’re finished with your appointment if you need someone to pick you up.
  •   Please be on time.  We will be maintaining strict social distancing and limiting access to our shop during all tattoo sessions.


  Arrival at Midwest Classic Tattoo:

  •   Call us:  Please phone us (847-921-9665) when you arrive at our front door so that we may greet you there.
  •   Temperature:When we meet you at the front door, we’ll take your temperature with a no-touch thermometer.  If your temperature is 100° or above, we will reschedule your appointment to a future time when your body temperature returns to normal.
  •    Hand washing: Upon entry, we’ll direct you to a hand washing station for you to wash your hands.  We have additional hand sanitizing stations for intermediate hand cleansing if needed (after touching your phone, keys, mask, etc).
  •   Masks:  You will be required to wear a mask while in the shop.  If you don’t have one, wecanprovide a disposable face mask.  Your artist will also wear disposable PPE including mask and gloves.
  •   Consent Form: You’ll be given a consent form to sign. Please review the form online so it is familiar and acceptable to you.
  •    Tattoo Station: We will direct you to a sanitized tattoo station for your tattoo session.
  •   Washroom:The washroom is sanitized before and after each use—all day, every time.

  Changes to Our Midwest Classic Tattoo Shop:

  •   In addition to our current universal Blood-bornePathogen sanitizingprotocols, we’ve instituted even more rigorous precautions to reduce the spread of Airborne Pathogens. All surfaces, hardware, equipment and furniture are sanitized before and after each use.
  •   We’ve installed plexiglass shields to assist in separating the tattoo area from the artist design area.
  •   We’ve increased distance between tattoo stations to support social distancing.
  •   Easily-sanitized chairs replaced our previously comfy reception area seating.
  •    We’ve added HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filtration units to our environment.


Personal Comment:

At Midwest Classic Tattoo, we care about you.  We care about your safety and your health.

The above safety protocols guiding our scheduling, screening and tattooing process are in place not because we suspect you of being sick, but because we want to keep you healthy.  We take personal and professional responsibility for tattooing as safely as possible for the health of the entire community.

We know the last several months have been tough on everyone.  We are so thankful to have your trust, support, and cooperation in helping to keep everyone safe.



Sid Frigo

Midwest Classic Tattoo

4916 Dempster Street, Skokie, IL 60077

Phone: 847-921-9665

